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5 matching references were found.
Knaap, H.F.P.; Knoester, M.; Varekamp, F.H.; Beenakker, J.J.M., The second virial coefficient of binary mixtures of the hydrogen isotopes and helium at 20.4 k, Physica (Amsterdam), 1960, 26, 633-7. [all data]
Beenakker, J.J.M.; Varekamp, F.H.; Knaap, H.F.P., The second virial coefficent of ortho and para hydrogen at liquid hydrogen temperatures, Physica (Amsterdam), 1960, 26, 43. [all data]
Varekamp, F.H.; Beenakker, J.J.M., The equation of state of the hydrogen isotopes and their mixtures with helium below the boiling point of hydrogen, Physica (Amsterdam), 1959, 25, 889-904. [all data]
Beenakker, J.J.M.; Varekamp, F.H.; Van Itterbeek, A., Isotherms of the Hydrogen isotopes and their mixtures with Helium at the boiling point of Hydrogen., Physica (Amsterdam), 1959, 25, 9. [all data]
Beenakker, J.J.M.; Varekamp, F.H., Equation of state of hydrogen and its isotopes below 20 k, Annexe Bull. Inst. Int. Froid., 1956, 2, 189. [all data]