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Author:Van Lammeren, J.

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4 matching references were found.

Van Lammeren, J.A., Second virial coefficient and specific heats of oxygen, Physica (Amsterdam), 1935, 2, 833-9. [all data]

Keesom, W.H.; Van Lammeren, J.A., Measurement of the velocity of sound in neon gas, Physica (Amsterdam), 1934, 1, 1161-70. [all data]

Keesom, W.H.; Van Itterbeek, A.; Van Lammeren, J.A., Measurements about the velocity of sound in oxygen gas., Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet., 1931, 34, 996-1003. [all data]

Konle, H.L.; Kawamoto, T.; Van Lammeren, J.A., Heats of mixture of binary liquid systems on the example benzeneglycols and waterglycols, Z. Phys. Chem., Abt. A, 1931, 208, 147-56. [all data]