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Author:Valyakin, V.

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2 matching references were found.

Lavrenchenko, G.K.; Valyakin, V.N., Liquid-liquid, liquid-liquid-vapor, and liquid-vapor equilibria in binary Freon and Freon-hydrocarbon mixtures based on tetrafluoromethane (R14), Teplofiz. Svoistva Veshchestv Mater., 1985, No. 22, 10. [all data]

Lavrenchenko, G.K.; Egorov, A.V.; Valyakin, V.N., Experimental study of the immiscibility region of freon 14 with freon 22., Kholod. Tekh. Tekhnol., 1979, 28, 19-24. [all data]