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Author: | Usmanova |
5 matching references were found.
Usmanova, A.A.; Bikbulatov, A.S.; Abdrakhmanova, A.Kh.; D'yakonov, S.G.; Arkhipov, V.P.; Samigullin, F.M., Multicomponent Diffusion in Liquid Mixtures by Chromatographic and NMR Techniques, Inzh.-Fiz. Zh., 1981, 40, 21-27. [all data]
Sergeeva, V.F.; Usmanova, I.Z., Solublitity and enthalpy of mixing in ternary systems of heptane and methanol with benzene, with chloroform, and with diethylamine, Zh. Obshch. Khim., 1976, 46, 724-8. [all data]
Usmanova, I.Z.; Sergeeva, V.F., Solubility of the systems heptane + methanol + chloroform ( + methylene chloride, + carbon tetrachloride): I, Sb. Rabot Khim., Kazan Univ., 1973, No. 3, 272-7. [all data]
Sergeeva, V.F.; Usmanova, I.Z., Solubility in the systems methanol + naphthalene + hexane, methanol + naphthalene + heptane, and methanol + naphthalene + octane, Zh. Obshch. Khim., 1973, 43, 1878-81. [all data]
Sergeeva, V.F.; Eskaraeva, L.A.; Usmanova, I.Z.; Glybovskaya, V.A., Equilibrium of liquid pahse in systems of cyclohexane and methanol with naphthalene, with diphenylamine, and with benzoic acid, Zh. Obshch. Khim., 1971, 41, 1895-9. [all data]