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Author:Ulybin, S.A.

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14 matching references were found.

Kirillin, V.A.; Ulybin, S.A., Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1959, 6, 67-72. [all data]

Kirillin, V.A.; Ulybin, S.A., Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1959, 6, 3-7. [all data]

Kirillin, V.A.; Ulybin, S.A., Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1958, 5, 53-54. [all data]

Ulybin, S.A.; Skorodumov, S.V.; Pasekov, M.F.; Yaruntsev, V.K., Viscosity of neon at 30-1300 K and up to 100 MPa pressure, Deposited Doc., 1984, VINITI 3514-84, 11 pp 1984. [all data]

Ulybin, S.A.; Makarushkin, V.I., Proc. Symp. Thermophys. Prop. 7th, Cezairliyan, A. Ed., ASME: New York, p 678, 1977. [all data]

Ulybin, S.A.; Makarushkin, V.I., Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1976, 23, 6, 65. [all data]

Bakulin, S.S.; Ulybin, S.A.; Zherdev, E.P., High Temp. (Engl. Transl.), 1976, 14, 351. [all data]

Makarushkin, V.I.; Ulybin, S.A., Tr. Mosk. Energ. Inst., 1975, No. 234, 83. [all data]

Bakulin, S.S.; Ulybin, S.A.; Zherdev, E.P., Tr. Mosk. Energ. Inst., 1975, No. 234, 96. [all data]

Ulybin, S.A.; Zherdev, E.P., Density of sulphur hexafluoride at ranges of temperature from -40 to +200 degrees at pressures up to 500 bar, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1970, 191, 572-3. [all data]

Kirillin, V.A.; Ulybin, S.A.; Zherdev, E.P., Experimental determination of the density of carbon dioxide at temperatures 0 to -50c and pressures up to 500 bars, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1970, 17, 69-70. [all data]

Kirillin, V.A.; Ulybin, S.A.; Zherdev, E.N., Carbon dioxide density in the -50 to +2000 range at up to 500 bars, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1970, 1970, 136-141. [all data]

Kirillin, V.A.; Ulybin, S.A.; Zherdev, E.P., Density of carbon dioxide, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1969, 16, 94-5. [all data]

Kirillin, V.A.; Ulybin, S.A.; Zherdev, E.P., Carbon dioxide density on the 35, 30, 20 and 10 isotherms and at pressures up to 500 bars, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1969, 16, 92-3. [all data]