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Author:Udovenko, V.M.

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5 matching references were found.

Udovenko, V.M.; Legin, E.K., Mutual solubility in the system uo2(no3)2 - (et)20 - d20 in the phase separation region at 25, Radiokhimiya, 1966, 8, 317-23. [all data]

Udovenko, V.M.; Mashirov, L.G.; Blokhina, V.K.; Suglobova, I.G.; Suglobov, D.N., Mutual solubility in the systems uranyl perchlorate + water + diethyl ether and uranyl perchlorate + water + di-n-butyl ether at 25c, Sov. Radiochem. (Engl. Transl.), 1963, 5, 67-75. [all data]

Udovenko, V.M.; Suglobova, I.G.; Mezei, M., Mutual solubilities in the system uranyl nitrate - water - isopropyl ether, Radiokhimiya, 1962, 4, 388-92. [all data]

Udovenko, V.M.; Gasanov, A.I.; Mashirov, L.G.; Suglobova, I.G.; Suglobov, D.N., Extraction of uranyl trichloroacetate with ethers, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1968, 182, 585-8. [all data]

Udovenko, V.M.; Suglobova, I.G.; Suglobov, D.N., Solubility of uranyl salts in ethers, Radiokhimiya, 1968, 10, 182-95. [all data]