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5 matching references were found.
Barkan, E.S.; Linshits, L.R.; Rodkina, I.B.; Tyurikova, N.G., Compressibility and virial coefficients of mixtures of methane with argon, Inzh.-Fiz. Zh., 1984, 46, 566-9. [all data]
Roginskaya, N.S.; Tyurikova, N.G.; Nechitailo, N.L., The Solubility of Hydrogen in 2-ethylhexanol and 2-ethylhexenal, Sov. Chem. Ind. (Engl. Transl.), 1979, 11, 24-25. [all data]
Linshits, L.R.; Tyurikova, N.G.; Rodkina, I.B.; Tsiklis, D.S., Solubility of water in compressed nitrogen + hydrogen mixture, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1978, 52, 188-190. [all data]
Linshits, L.R.; Rodkina, I.B.; Tyurikova, N.G.; Tsiklis, D.S., Molar volumes of mixtures of ethylene with helium, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1977, 51, 2948-9. [all data]
Lebedeva, E.S.; Tyurikova, N.G.; Grokholskaya, V.P., Phase equilibriums in the systems cyclododecane + nitrogen and cyclodedecane + acetic acid + water, Tr. GIAP, 1973, No. 22, 9-16. [all data]