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Author: | Trofimova, R. |
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2 matching references were found.
Korepin, A.G.; Galkin, P.V.; Golovina, N.I.; Trofimova, R.F.; Avdonin, V.V.; Kirpichev, E.P.; Rubtsov, Yu.I.; Lagodzinskaya, G.V.; Loginova, M.V., Preparation and properties of secondary amides of 1,1-dinitroalkanecarboxylic acids, Russ. Chem. Bull. (Engl. Transl.), 1994, 43, 821-825. [all data]
Atovmyan, L.O.; Golovina, N.I.; Eremenko, L.T.; Zhitomirskaya, N.G.; Trofimova, R.F., Two modifications of 1,1,1,3,5,5,5-heptanitro-3-azapentane, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 1985, No. 5, 1023. [all data]