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Author: | Trifonov |
23 matching references were found.
Kovalenko, K.N.; Trifonov, N.A., Surface Tension and Viscosity of the System Isobutyl Alcohol- Diphenylmethane, Sbornik Staatei Obshchei Khim., Akad. Naik S.S.S.R., 1953, 1, 229-33. [all data]
Tsypin, M.Z.; Trifonov, N.A., Physicochemical properties of the system dioxane + water: I density and viscosity, Tr. Kazan. Khim.-Tekhnol. Inst., 1958, No. 22, 120-4. [all data]
Dianov, M.P.; Trifonov, N.A., Zh. Obshch. Khim., 1958, 28, 872. [all data]
Dianov, M.P.; Trifonov, N.A., Physicochemical analysis of the system ethylenediamine + allyl mustard oil., J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1958, 28, 845. [all data]
Miskidzhyan, S.P.; Trifonov, N.A., J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1956, 26, 1521. [all data]
Kovalenko, K.N.; Trifonov, N.A.; Tissen, D.S., A Physicochemical Investigation of the Water-Acetic Anhydride-Dioxane System, Zh. Obshch. Khim., 1956, 26, 2404-10. [all data]
Kovalenko, K.N.; Osipov, O.A.; Trifonov, N.A., Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1955, 29, 685. [all data]
Kovalenko, K.N.; Trifonov, N.A., Physicochemical Analysis of Systems Formed by Diphenylamine with Quinoline and Aniline (Fusibility, Density, and Viscosity)., Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1954, 28, 312. [all data]
Trifonov, N.A.; Faizullin, F.F., Physicochemical Analysis of the System Phosphorus Trichloride-Benzaldehyde I. Density and Viscosity of the System, Uch. Zap., Kazan. Gos. Univ., 1953, 112, 131-138. [all data]
Osipov, O.A.; Trifonov, N.A., Zh. Obshch. Khim., 1951, 21, 817-823. [all data]
Miskidzhyan, S.P.; Trifonov, N.A.; Balandina, N.I., Physico-chemical analysis of the system acetic acid + nitric acid: V boiling points of the system, Zh. Obshch. Khim., 1949, 19, 444-6. [all data]
Miskidzhyan, S.P.; Trifonov, N.A.; Feodosyev, N.H.; Balandina, N.I., Physico-chemical analysis of the system: acetic acid - nitric acid IV heats of mixing, J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1949, 19, 393-5. [all data]
Osipov, O.A.; Trifonov, N.A., The Physicocchemical Analysis of the Systems Formed by Diphenylamine with Phenyl and Allyl Isothiocynates, J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1949, 19, 275-9. [all data]
Teitel'baum, B.Ya.; Trifonov, N.A.; Khachatur'yan, V.R., Physicochemical analysis of the system water-piperidine, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1947, 21, 503. [all data]
Trifonov, N.A.; Kovalenko, K.N., Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Div. Chem. Sci. (Engl. Transl.), 1947, 1947, 153-62. [all data]
Miskidzhyan, S.P.; Trifonov, N.A., Zh. Obshch. Khim., 1947, 17, 1232. [all data]
Trifonov, N.A.; Aleksandrov, G.K., Application of surface tension in physicochemical analysis, Izv. Sekt. Fiz-Khim. Anal. Inst. Obshch. Neorg. Khim. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1940, 12, 85. [all data]
Trifonov, N.A.; Khalezova, A.T., Surface tension of the rational systems: aniline-allyl mustard oil and acetic anhydride-water in connection with other properties, Izv. Sekt. Fiz-Khim. Anal. Inst. Obshch. Neorg. Khim. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1940, 12, 123. [all data]
Trifonov, N.A.; Mertslin, R.V., Izv. Sekt. Fiz-Khim. Anal. Inst. Obshch. Neorg. Khim. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1940, 12, 139. [all data]
Trifonov, N.A., Physical-chemical analysis of the system acetic anhydride + water, Tr. Saratov. Avtodorozhnogo Inst., 1939, No. 5, 167-75. [all data]
Trifonov, N.A., Izv. Permsk. Biol. Nauchno-Issled. Inst., 1931, 7, 343-406. [all data]
Trifonov, N.A.; Cherbov, S.I., Thermic ANalysis of the System: Phenylhydrazine-Acetic Acid, Bull. Inst. Recherches Biol. Univ. Perm (Russia), 1929, 6, 313 -8. [all data]
Trifonov, N.A.; Samarina, K.I., Izv. Permsk. Biol. Nauchno-Issled. Inst., 1929, 6, 291-300. [all data]