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10 matching references were found.

Romanenko, E.P.; Tkachev, A.V., Identification by GC-MS of cymene isomers and 3,7,7-trimethylcyclohepta-1,3,5-triene in essential oils, Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.), 2006, 42, 6, 699-701, . [all data]

Demyttenaere, J.C.R.; Adams, A.; van Belleghem, K.; de Kimpe, N.; König, W.A.; Tkachev, A.V., De novo production of (+)-aristolochene by sporulated surface cultures of Penicillium roqueforti, Phytochemistry, 2002, 59, 6, 597-602, . [all data]

Tkachev, A.V.; Gur'ev, A.M.; Yusubov, M.S., Acorafuran, a new sesquiterpenoid from Acorur calamus essential oil, Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.), 2006, 42, 6, 696-698, . [all data]

Talzhanov, N.A.; Sadyrbekov, D.T.; Smagulova, F.M.; Mukanov, R.M.; Raldugin, V.A.; Shakirov, M.M.; Tkachev, A.V.; Atazhanova, G.A.; Tuleuov, B.I.; Adekenov, S.M., Components of Artemisia pontica, Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.), 2005, 41, 2, 178-181, . [all data]

Tkachev, A.V.; Dobrotvorsky, A.K.; Vjalkov, A.I.; Morozov, S.V., Chemical composition of lipophylic compounds from the body surface of unfed adult Ixodes persulcatus ticks (Acari: Ixodidae), Experimental and Applied Acarology, 2000, 24, 2, 145-158, . [all data]

Belousova, N.I.; Tkachev, A.V.; Shakirov, M.M.; Khan, V.A., New terpenoids of Ledum Palustre essential oil, Khimiya Prirodnykh Soedinenii, 1991, 1, 24-29. [all data]

Shunyaev, K.Y.; Tkachev, N.K.; Men, A.N., Thermodynamics of an ideal associated solution containing complexes of different sizes and forms, Rasplavy, 1988, 2, 5, 11-20. [all data]

PERLOVICH, G.; STRAKHOVA, N.; KAZACHENKO, V.; VOLKOVA, T.; TKACHEV, V.; SCHAPER, K.; RAEVSKY, O., Studying thermodynamic aspects of sublimation, solubility and solvation processes and crystal structure analysis of some sulfonamides, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2007, 334, 1-2, 115-124, . [all data]

Perlovich, German L.; Tkachev, Valery V.; Strakhova, Nadezda N.; Kazachenko, Vladimir P.; Volkova, Tatyana V.; Surov, Oleg V.; Schaper, Klaus-Jürgen; Raevsky, Oleg A., Thermodynamic and structural aspects of sulfonamide crystals and solutions, J. Pharm. Sci., 2009, 98, 12, 4738-4755, . [all data]

Perlovich, German L.; Strakhova, Nadezda N.; Kazachenko, Vladimir P.; Volkova, Tatyana V.; Tkachev, Valery V.; Schaper, Klaus-Jurgen; Raevsky, Oleg A., Sulfonamides as a subject to study molecular interactions in crystals and solutions: Sublimation, solubility, solvation, distribution and crystal structure, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2008, 349, 1-2, 300-313, . [all data]