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Author: | Timofeeva, G.V. |
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3 matching references were found.
Tsiklis, D.S.; Maslennikova, V.J.; Gavrilov, S.D.; Egorov, A.N.; Timofeeva, G.V., Molar volumes and the equation of state of molecular hydrogen under high pressure, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1975, 220, 1384-6. [all data]
Khazanova, N.E.; Sominskaya, E.E.; Zakharova, A.V.; Timofeeva, G.V., Systems with an azeotrope at high pressures: I phase and volume relations and critical curves in the carbon dioxide + sulfur hexafluoride system, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1974, 48, 1608. [all data]
Khazanova, N.E.; Sominskaya, E.E.; Zakharova, A.V.; Timofeeva, G.V., Systems with an azeotrope at high pressures: I phase and volume relations and critical curves in the carbon dioxide + sulfur hexafluoride system, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 1974, 48, 950. [all data]