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7 matching references were found.

Tiffin, D.L.; Kohn, J.P.; Luks, K.D., Three-phase solid-liquid-vapor equilibria of the binary hydrocarbon systems ethane + 2-methylnaphthalene, ethane + naphthalene, propane + n- decane, and propane + n-dodecane, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1979, 24, 98-100. [all data]

Tiffin, D.L.; Kohn, J.P.; Luks, K.D., Three-phase solid-liquid-vapor equilibria of the systems ethylene + cyclohexane, ethylene + trans-decalin, ethylene + benzene, and ethylene + 2 -methylnaphthalene, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1979, 24, 96-8. [all data]

Tiffin, D.L.; Kohn, J.P.; Luks, K.D., Solid hydrocarbon solubility in liquid methane + ethane mixtures along three-phase solid-liquid-vapor loci, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1979, 24, 306-10. [all data]

Green, K.A.; Tiffin, D.L.; Luks, K.D.; Kohn, J.P., Solubility of hydrocarbons in lng, ngl, Hydrocarbon Process., 1979, 58, 5, 251. [all data]

Tiffin, D.L.; Devera, A.L.; Luks, K.D.; Kohn, J.P., Phase-equilibria behavior of the binary systems carbon dioxide + n- butylbenzene and carbon dioxide + trans-decalin, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1978, 23, 45-7. [all data]

Tiffin, D.L.; Kohn, J.P.; Luks, K.D., Three-phase solid-liquid-vapor equilibria of binary ethylene + n-alkane systems (ethylene + n-octane, ethylene + n-decane, ethylene + n-dodecane), J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1978, 23, 207-9. [all data]

Kohn, J.P.; Luks, K.D.; Liu, P.H.; Tiffin, D.L., Three-phase solid-liquid-vapor equilibriums of the binary hydrocarbon systems methane-n-octane and methane-cyclohexane, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1977, 22, 419-21. [all data]