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13 matching references were found.

Thoen, J.; Marynissen, H.; Van Dael, W., Temperature dependence of the enthalpy and the heat capacity of the liquid-crystal octylcyanobiphenyl (8CB), Phys. Rev., 1982, A 26, 2886-2905. [all data]

Marynissen, H.; Thoen, J.; Van Dael, W., Heat capacity and enthalpy behavior near phase transitions in some alkylcyanobiphenyls, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 1983, 97, 149-161. [all data]

Van Dael, W.; Van Itterbeek, A.; Cops, A.; Thoen, J., Physica (Amsterdam), 1966, 32, 611-20. [all data]

Thoen, J.; Hamelin, J.; Bose, T.K., Specific heat capacity singularity and related weak anomalies in the nitroethane-cyclohexane critical binary mixture, Phys. Rev. E: Stat. Phys., Plasmas, Fluids, Relat. Interd- iscip. Top., 1996, 53, 6264-6270. [all data]

Van Dael, W.; Van Itterbeek, A.; Thoen, J.; Cops, A., Sound Velocity Measurements in Liquid Methane, Physica (Amsterdam), 1965, 31, 1643. [all data]

Kindt, B.; Thoen, J.; Van Dael, W., Dielectric study of the two-phase region of binary liquid mixtures near the consolute point, Int. J. Thermophys., 1988, 9, 749. [all data]

Marynissen, H.; Thoen, J.; Van Dael, W., Heat Capacity and Enthalpy Behavior Near Phase Transitions in Some Alkylcyanobiphenyls, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 1983, 97, 149. [all data]

Thoen, J.; Marynissen, H.; Van Dael, W., Temperature dependence of the enthalpy and the heat capacity of the liquid- crystal octylcyanobiphenyl(8CB), Phys. Rev. A, 1982, 26, 2886. [all data]

Thoen, J.; Bloemen, E.; Van Dael, W., Heat capacity of the binary liquid system triethylamine + water near the critical solution point, AIChE J., 1978, 68, 735-43. [all data]

Thoen, J.; Vangeel, E.; Dael, W. (see vandae w), Velocity of sound in saturated liquid and vapor argon in temperature range from 121 to 169 K, Physica (Amsterdam), 1971, 52, 205-9. [all data]

Thoen, J.; Vangeel, E.; Dael, W. (see vandae w), Velocity of sound in liquid argon at pressure up to 50 Mpa and temperature range from 100 to 150 K, Physica (Amsterdam), 1969, 45, 339-56. [all data]

Van Itterbeek, A.; Thoen, J.; Cops, A.; Van Dael, W., The Speed of Sound in Liquid Methane, Physica (Amsterdam), 1967, 35, 162. [all data]

Schweighofer, A.; Chou, P.K.; Thoen, K.K.; Nanayakkara, V.K.; Keck, H.; Kuchen, W.; Kenttamaa, H.I., The Prototypical Organophosphorus Ylidion •CH2PH3+, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1996, 118, 11893. [all data]