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Author: | Terres |
16 matching references were found.
Terres; Vollmer, Erdoel Kohle, 1935, 31, 1. [all data]
Terres, E.; Wesemann, H., Uber Gleichgewichtsmessungen der teilreaktionen bei der umsetzung von scnwefelkohlenstoff mit wasserdampf im temperaturgebiet von 350° bis 900° C, Angew. Chem., 1932, 45, 795-832. [all data]
Terres, E.; Brinkmann, L.; Fischer, D.; Hüllstrung, D.; Loz, W.; Weisbrod, G., Brennst.-Chem., 1959, 40, 279. [all data]
Terres, E.; Gebert, F.; Hulsemann, H.; Petereit, H.; Toepsch, H.; Ruppert, W., Zur Kenntnis der physikalisch-chemischen Grundlagen der Gewinnung und Zerlegung der Phenolfraktionen von Steinkohlenteer und Braunkohlenschwelteer. IV. Mitteilung Die Dampfdrucke von Phenol und Phenolderivaten, Brennst.-Chem., 1955, 36, 272-274. [all data]
Terres, E.; Attig, W.; Tscherter, F., Ammonia scrubbing of coal gas and concentration of weak aqueous ammonia measurement of the partial and total pressures of aqueous ammonia salts in relation to concentration and temperature: I, GWF, Gas- Wasserfach., 1957, 98, 512-6. [all data]
Terres, E.; Attig, W.; Tscherter, F., Ammonia scrubbing of coal gas and concentration of weak aqueous ammonia measurement of the partial and total pressures of aqueous ammonia salts in relation to concentration and temperature: II, GWF, Gas- Wasserfach., 1957, 98, 577-82. [all data]
Terres, E.; Jahn, W.; Reissmann, H., The Speed of Sound for Methane at 1 atm and 273-872 ()K, Brennst.-Chem., 1957, 38, 129. [all data]
Terres, E.; Assemi, M.T., Brennst.-Chem., 1956, 37, 257. [all data]
Terres, E.; Gebert, F.; Hulsemann, H., Phenol Compounds of Tar II. Chromatographic Separation and Identification of Phenolic Components, Brennst.-Chem., 1955, 36, 162. [all data]
Terres, E.; Gebert, F.; Hulsemann, H., Phenol Components of Tar III. Chromatographic Separation of Tar Phenols, Brennst.-Chem., 1955, 36, 228. [all data]
Terres, E.; Gebert, F.; Hulsemann, H., Phenol Components of Tar V. Distillative Separation of Tar Phenols and Chromatographic Identification of Single Components, Brennst.-Chem., 1955, 36, 275. [all data]
Terres, E.; Gebert, F.; Hulsemann, H.; Petereit, H.; Toepsch, H.; Ruppert, W., Phenol Components of Tar VI. Investigation of Monohydroxyphenol-water Systems and Their Critical Solution Temperatures studies on the binary systems of water with phenol and monovalent phenols and th, Brennst.-Chem., 1955, 36, 289. [all data]
Terres, E.; Gebert, F.; Hulsemann, H., Phenol COmponents of Tar VII. Ternary Systems of Phenolic Materials in Water-methanol Mixtures, Brennst.-Chem., 1955, 36, 359. [all data]
Terres, E.; Gebert, F.; Fischer, D.; Modak, G., Brennst.-Chem., 1954, 35, 263-9. [all data]
Terres, E.; Ruhl, G., The binary system sulfur dioxide + water two modifications of solid so(2) ( extract), Angew. Chem., 1934, 47, 331-2. [all data]
Terres, E.; Wesemann, H., Angew. Chem., 1932, 45, 795. [all data]