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Author: | Tarbeeva, N. |
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3 matching references were found.
Gerasimov, P.A.; Gubareva, A.I.; Tarbeeva, N.A.; Kunderenko, V.M., Physicochemical characteristics of β-picoline, J. Appl. Chem. USSR, 1992, 65, 388-390. [all data]
Gerasimov, P.A.; Gubareva, A.I.; Tarbeeva, N.A.; Kunderenko, V.M., Physicochemical properties of β-picoline, Zh. Prikl. Khim. (S.-Peterburg), 1992, 65, 460-2. [all data]
Gubareva, A.I.; Gerasimov, A.P.; Geidarova, E.L.; Tarbeeva, N.A., Thermodynamic properties of semi-produsts of synthesis of C vitamine in Vses. Konf. Khim. Term. Kalorim. 13th, Krasnoyarsk, p 94, 1991. [all data]