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13 matching references were found.

Chirico, R.D.; Gammon, B.E.; Knipmeyer, S.E.; Nguyen, A.; Strube, M.M.; Tsonopoulos, C.; Steele, W.V., The thermodyanmic properties of dibenzofuran, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1990, 22, 1075-1096. [all data]

Chirico, R.D.; Nguyen, A.; Steele, W.V.; Strube, M.M., Vapor pressure of n-alkanes revisited. New high-precision vapor pressure data on n-decane, n-eicosane, and n-octacosane, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1989, 34, 149-156. [all data]

Chirico, R.D.; Nguyen, A.; Steele, W.V.; Strube, M.M.; Hossenlopp, I.A.; Gammon, B.E., Thermochemical and thermophysical properties of organic compounds derived from fossil substances. Chemical thermodynamic properties of organic oxygen compounds found in fossil materials, NIPER Report, 1986, 135, 42p. [all data]

Steele, W.V.; Chirico, R.D.; Collier, W.B.; Hossenlopp, I.A.; Nguyen, A.; Strube, M.M., Thermochemical and thermophysical properties of organic nitrogen compounds found in fossil materials, NIPER Report, 1986, 188, 112p. [all data]

Chirico, R.D.; Hossenloop, I.A.; Nguyen, A.; Strube, M.M.; Steele, W.V., Thermodynamic studies related to the hydrogenation of phenanthrene, NIPER Report, 1987, 247, 107p. [all data]

Chirico, R.D.; Gammon, B.E.; Kripmeyer, S.E.; Nguyen, A.; Strube, M.M.; Steele, W.V., The thermodynamic properties of dibenzofuran, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1990, 22, 11, 1075, . [all data]

Nour, E.M.; Chen, L.-H.; Strube, M.M.; Laane, J., Raman spectra and force constants for the nitric oxide dimer and its isotopic species, J. Phys. Chem., 1984, 88, 4, 756, . [all data]

Strube, M.M.; Meinander, N.; Laane, J., Raman difference spectroscopy under computer control, J. Raman Spectrosc., 1990, 21, 549-56. [all data]

Knipmeyer, S.E.; Archer, D.G.; Chirico, R.D.; Gammon, B.E.; Hossenlopp, I.A.; Nguyen, A.; Smith, N.K.; Steele, W.V.; Strube, M.M., High-temperature enthalpy and critical property measurements using differential scanning calorimeter, Fluid Phase Equilib., 1989, 52, 185. [all data]

Chirico, R.D.; Nguyen, A.; Steele, W.V.; Strube, M.M.; Tsonopoulos, C., Vapor Pressure of n-Alkanes Revisitied. New High-Precision Vapor Pressure Data on n-Decane, n-Eicosane, and n-Octacosane, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1989, 34, 149-56. [all data]

Strube, M.M.; Archer, D.G.; Chirico, R.D.; Steele, W.V., Thermodynamics of materials in the range C10-C16 data base referenc manual, Rep. NIPER-334, NTIS DE88001244, p 27, 1988. [all data]

Strube, M.M.; Laane, J., Reduced mass calculations, low-frequency vibrations, and conformations of 1,4-cyclohexadiene, 1,4-dioxacyclohexadiene-2,5, an 9,10-dihydroanthracene, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 1988, 129, 126. [all data]

Chirico, R.D.; Steele, W.V.; Hossenlopp, A.; Nguyen, A.; Archer, D.G.; Strube, M.M., The thermodynamic properties of organic oxygen compounds: topical report, Natl. Inst. Pet. Energy Res. Rep. NIPER-271, Bartlesvill- e, OK, 1988. [all data]