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6 matching references were found.
Chusova, T.P.; Zelenina, L.N.; Stenin, Yu.G.; Semenova, Z.I.; Titov, V.A., Thermodynamics of vaporization of gallium trichloride, Russ Chem Bull, 2007, 56, 7, 1313-1317, . [all data]
Zelenina, L.N.; Titov, V.A.; Chusova, T.P.; Stenin, Yu.G.; Titov, A.A., On the thermodynamic properties of germanium-iodide compounds, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2003, 35, 10, 1601-1612, . [all data]
Zelenina, L.N.; Chusova, T.P.; Stenin, Yu.G.; Bakovets, V.V., The thermodynamic properties of talyl-and phenylsilanes, Russ. J. Phys. Chem., 2006, 80, 2, 139-142, . [all data]
Zelenina, L.N.; Chusova, T.P.; Stenin, Yu.G.; Berezovskii, G.A., A calorimetric study of germanium dibromide, Russ. J. Phys. Chem., 2006, 80, 12, 1911-1914, . [all data]
Zelenina, L.N.; Minenkov, Yu.F.; Stenin, Yu.G.; Titov, V.A.; Chusova, T.P., Heat capacity of crystalline germanium tetraiodide, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1998, 72, 5, 803. [all data]
Zelenina, L.N.; Chusova, T.P.; Stenin, Yu.G., Zh. Fiz. Khim., 2004, 78, 4, 598. [all data]