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Author:Spiridonov, G.

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17 matching references were found.

Sychev, V.V.; Vasserman, A.A.; Kozlov, A.D.; Spiridonov, G.A.; Tsymarny, V.A., Thermodynamic Properties of Helium, Vol. 1, NSRDS-USSR, Selover, T. B. Ed., Hemisphere, New York, 1987. [all data]

Sychev, V.V.; Kozlov, A.D.; Spiridonov, G.A., Data bank on thermophysical properties of fluids in Proc. 8th Int. CODATA Conf. (Vol. Date 1982), 1983. [all data]

Sychev, V.V.; Vasserman, A.A.; Kozlov, A.D.; Zagoruchenko, V.A.; Spiridonov, G.A.; Tsymarny, V.A., Thermodynamic Properties of Ethane, Standards Publishing House, 1982. [all data]

Sychev, V.V.; Vasserman, A.A.; Golovshii, E.A.; Kozlov, A.D.; Spiridonov, G.A.; Tsimarny, V.A., Thermodynamic Properties of Ethylene, Hemisphere, Washington, 1981. [all data]

Sytchev, V.V.; Vasserman, A.A.; Golovshii, E.A.; Kozlov, A.D.; Spiridonov, G.A.; Tzymarny, V.A., Thermodynamicheskie Svoistva Ethylena, Sytchev, V. V., Ed., Standards Publ., Moscow, 1981. [all data]

Sychev, V.V.; Vasserman, A.A.; Zagoruchenko, V.A.; Kozlov, A.D.; Spiridonov, G.A.; Tsymarny, V.A., Thermodynamic Properties of Methane, 1979. [all data]

Sytchev, V.V.; Vasserman, A.A.; Zagoruchenko, V.A.; Kozlov, A.D.; Spiridonov, G.A.; Tzymarny, V.A., Thermodynamicheskie Svoistva Metana, Sytchev, V. V., Ed., Standards Publishers, Moskow, 1979. [all data]

Sychev, V.V.; Vasserman, A.A.; Kozlov, A.D.; Spiridonov, G.A.; Tsymarny, V.A., Density, Enthalpy, Entropy, and Isobaric Heat Capacity of Liquid and Gaseous Nitrogen at Temperatures 70-1500 K and Pressures 0.1-100 MPa. in Tables of Standard Reference Data. Density GSSSD 4-78, Standards Publ., Moscow, 1978. [all data]

Rasskazov, D.S.; Petrov, E.K.; Spiridonov, G.A.; Ushmajkin, E.R., Investigation of P-V-T Data of Freon 23 in Teplofiz. Svoistva Veshchestv Mater., Collect. Vol. No. 8, V. A. Rabinovich, Ed., Standards Publ., Moscow, 1975. [all data]

Rasskazov, D.S.; Spiridonov, G.A.; Krukov, L.A., Experimental Investigation of the Caloric Properties of Freon 23 in Teplofiz. Svoistva Veshchestv Mater., Collect. Vol. No. 8, V. A. Rabinovich, Ed., Standards Publ., Moscow, 1975. [all data]

Rasskazov, D.S.; Petrov, E.K.; Spiridonov, G.A.; Ushmaikin, E.R., Investigating the p,v,t-dependence of carbon dioxide in the 248-303 k temperature range and at pressures of 5 to 60 bar, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1974, 21, 113-6. [all data]

Rasskazov, D.S.; Petrov, E.K.; Spiridonov, G.A.; Uschmaikin, E.R., Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1974, 21, 80-82. [all data]

Vulkalovich, M.P.; Altunin, V.V.; Spiridonov, G.A., The equation of state and the thermodynamic properties of inert gases at the interval from the normal boiling point to 1300 k at pressures below 100 0 bar I krypton, J. Eng. Phys. (Engl. Transl.), 1969, 16, 352. [all data]

Altunin, V.V.; Spiridonov, G.A.; Kaekin, V.S., Equation of state and thermodynamic properties of freon-21, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1969, 16, 1, 79-83. [all data]

Vukalovich, M.P.; Trakhtengerts, M.S.; Spiridonov, G.A., Teploenergetika, 1967, 14, 65. [all data]

Vukalovich, M.P.; Trakhtengerts, M.S.; Spiridonov, G.A., Heat and Power Eng. Washington, 1967, 14, 84. [all data]

Vukalovich, M.P.; Trakhtengerts, M.S.; Spiridonov, G.A., An equation of state for steam at temperatures above 500c, Therm. Eng. (Engl. Transl.), 1967, 14, 86. [all data]