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Author: | Solov'ev, G. |
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2 matching references were found.
Solov'ev, G.V.; Shavandrin, A.M.; Chashkin, Yu.P., Regrigerants 23 and 13B1. Density of Saturated Liquid and Vapor. Heat of Vaporization and Heat Capacity of the Saturated Liquid, Tablyzyi Rekomendovannyikh Spravochnyikh Dannyikh GSSSD R 29-81, 1981. [all data]
Solov'ev, G.V.; Sukhnin, G.I.; Stolyarov, N.N.; Chashkin, Yu.R., Experimental determinatiion of the heat of vaporization and specific heat along the saturation line of Freon 23, Kholod. Tekh., 1978, No. 6, 30-3. [all data]