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Author: | Sokolova, V. |
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3 matching references were found.
Zimakov, P.V.; Sokolova, V.A., Physical Properties of Propylene Oxide, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1953, 27, 7, 1079-1080. [all data]
Golubev, I.F.; Sokolova, V.P., The Thermal Conductivity of Ammonia at Various Temperatures and Pressures, Thermal Engineering, 1964, 11, 9, 78-82, In original 64-67. [all data]
Sokolova, V.P.; Golubev, I.F., Teploprovodnost' Methane pri Razlichnyh Temperaturah i Davleniah, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1967, 14, 4, 90. [all data]