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Author: | Sokolova, L. |
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3 matching references were found.
Lagutkin, O.D.; Sokolova, L.A., Kholod. Tekh. Tekhnol., 1976, 22, 45-7. [all data]
Lagutkin, O.D.; Kuropatkin, E.I.; Sokolova, L.A., Thermodynamic properties of cyclopentane in the state of vapor saturation., Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Neft Gaz, 1975, 18, 12, 56-64. [all data]
Lagutkin, O.D.; Kuropatkin, E.I.; Sokolova, L.A., Thermal data of Freon 14 in a state of saturation, Kholod. Tekh. Tekhnol., 1974, 19, 94. [all data]