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Author:Skillerne De Bristowe

4 matching references were found.

Skillerne De Bristowe, B.J.; Stubley, D., Excess volumes of mixtures of pentafluorobenzene with some hydrocarbons, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1973, 5, 865. [all data]

Skillerne De Bristowe, B.J.; Stubley, D., Excess enthalpies of mixtures of pentafluorobenzene with some mono-alkyl benzenes, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1973, 5, 121-8. [all data]

Howell, P.J.; Skillerne De Bristowe, B.J.; Stubley, D., Enthalpies of mixing of pentafluorobenzene with some hydrocarbons, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1972, 4, 225-31. [all data]

Howell, P.J.; Skillerne De Bristowe, B.J.; Stubley, D., Enthalpies of mixing of carbon tetrachloride with some methyl-substituted benzenes: III analysis of results by use of flory's theory of liquid mixtures, J. Chem. Soc. A, 1971, 1971, 397-400. [all data]