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Author:Sijpkes, A.

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8 matching references were found.

vandeKleut, G.J.; Sijpkes, A.H.; Gill, S.C., The solubilities of five cyclic dipeptide in water at the temperature 298.1 5 K, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1994, 26, 1115-20. [all data]

Sijpkes, A.H.; Somsen, G., Enthalpies of interaction of urea in mixtures of water and N,N- dimethylformamide at 25 .degree.C, J. Solution Chem., 1992, 21, 933-9. [all data]

Sijpkes, A.H.; Somsen, G.; Blankenborg, S.G.J., Enthalpies of interaction of some N-acetyl amino acid amides dissolved in N-methylformamide at 298.15 K, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 1990, 86, 3737-42. [all data]

Sijpkes, A.H.; Somsen, G., Enthalpies of dilution of N,N-dialkylformamides dissolved in formamide, N- methylformamide, and N-methylacetamide, J. Solution Chem., 1990, 19, 755-65. [all data]

Sijpkes, A.H.; Oudhuis, A.A.C.M.; Somsen, G.; Lilley, T.H., Enthalpies of solution of amides and peptides in aqueous solutions of urea and in N,N-dimethylformamide at 298.15 K, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1989, 21, 343. [all data]

Sijpkes, A.H.; Somsen, G., Enthalpies of dilution of benzamide, cyclohexanecarboxamide, and N-acetyl-N'-methyl-L-cyclohexylalaninamide dissolved in N,N-dimethylformamde at 298.15 K, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1989, 21, 1301. [all data]

Sijpkes, A.H.; Van Rossum, P.; Raad, J.S.; Somsen, G., Heat capacities and volumes of some polybasic carboxylic acids in water at 298.15 K, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1989, 21, 1061. [all data]

Bloemendal, M.; Sijpkes, A.H.; Somsen, G., Enthalpic interaction coefficients of formamides dissolved in N,N-dimethylformamide, J. Solution Chem., 1986, 15, 81. [all data]