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Author:Sidorova, N.

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12 matching references were found.

Sidorova, N.G., Cycloalkylation of Aromatic Compounds XII. Synthesis and Some Transformations of 1-Methyl-2-phenyl- and 1-Methyl-3-phenylcyclohexanes, Zh. Obshch. Khim., 1957, 27, 1472-5. [all data]

Sidorova, N.G.; Tsukervanik, I.P., Cycloalkylation of Aromatic Compounds XI. Product of Condensation of Cycloheptanol with Benzene, Zh. Obshch. Khim., 1957, 27, 1469-71. [all data]

Sidorova, N.G.; Tuchinskaya, Zh. Obshch. Khim., 1957, 27, 1763. [all data]

Sidorova, N.G.; Feiershtein, N.M.; Kochetkova, E.A., Cycloalkylation of Aromatic Compounds IX. Reaction of 1-Phenylcyclohexanol with Benzene, Zhur. Obschchei Khim., 1956, 26, 191-7. [all data]

Sidorova, N.G.; Valibekov, Yu.V., Cycloalkylation of Aromatic Compounds X. Condensation of 1,3-Cyclohexane- diol and 4-Chlorocyclohexanol with Benzene, Zhur. Obshchei Khim., 1956, 26, 516-20. [all data]

Sidorova, N.G., Zh. Obshch. Khim., 1954, 24, 255. [all data]

Sidorova, N.G.; Tsukervanik, I.P.; Abidova, Z.Kh., Dokl. Akad. Nauk Uz. SSR, 1953, No. 5, 33. [all data]

Sidorova, N.G., Zh. Obshch. Khim., 1952, 22, 962. [all data]

Sidorova, N.G.; Vdovtsova, E.A., Zh. Obshch. Khim., 1949, 19, 337. [all data]

Sidorova, N.G.; Tsukervanik, I.P., J. Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R.), 1941, 10, 2073. [all data]

Tsukervanik, I.P.; Sidorova, N.G., Condensation of Alcohols with Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Presence of Anhydrous Aluminum Chloride. V. Condensation of Cyclhexanol with Benzene and Toluene, J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1937, 7, 641. [all data]

Sidorova, N.G.; Mirzaeva, A.K.; Karas, A.V., Isomerization During Cycloalkylation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons I. Cyclohexylation of Benzene with Chlorocylohexane in the Presences of Aluminum Chloride, Nauch. Tr. Tashkent Univ., 1972, No. 419, 169-75. [all data]