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Author:Shvetsova, K.

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19 matching references were found.

Karyakin, N.V.; Bazhan, N.G.; Sapozhnikov, V.N.; Shvetsova, K.G.; Berestneva, G.L.; Lomteva, A.N.; Zimin, Yu.B.; Korshak, V.V., Thermodynamics of synthesis of poly-(p,p'-diphenyleneoxide)pyromellitimide, Polym. Sci. USSR, 1977, 19, 1766-1775. [all data]

Babinkov, A.G.; Nistratov, V.P.; Larina, V.N.; Shvetsova, K.G.; Sapozhnikov, V.N.; Zhilitskaya, O.M., Thermodynamic properties of adipic acid, Termodin. Org. Soedin., 1979, 28-33. [all data]

Karyakin, N.V.; Bazhan, N.G.; Sapozhnikov, V.N.; Shvetsova, K.G.; Berestneva, G.L.; Lomteva, A.N.; Zimin, Yu.B.; Korshak, V.V., Thermodynamics of synthesis of poly-(p,p'-diphenylene oxide)pyromellitimide, Vysokomol. Soedin., 1977, A19, 1541-1548. [all data]

Nistratov, V.P.; Babinkov, A.G.; Shvetsova, K.G.; Lapteva, S.A., Heat capacity and termodynamic functions of tetramethyleneglycol, Termodin. Org. Soedin., 1979, (8), 33-36. [all data]

Karyakin, N.V.; Shvetsova, K.G.; Dzharimova, E.S., Thermodynamic properties of o-phthalic acid dinitrile, 1982, Termodin. [all data]

Karyakin, N.V.; Shvetsova, K.G., Thermodynamics of reactions of 1,4-butanediol with terephthalic acid and its derivatives, Deposited Doc. SPSTL 861 Khp-D82, 1982, 14pp. [all data]

Rabinovich, I.B.; Nistratov, V.P.; Babinkov, A.G.; Shvetsova, K.G.; Larina, V.N., Thermodynamic properties of polybutyleneglycol adipate, Vysokomol. Soedin., 1984, A26, 743-747. [all data]

Busygina, G.I.; Maslova, V.A.; Shvetsova, K.G.; Babinkov, A.G.; Rabinovich, I.B.; Karyakin, N.V., Specific heat and thermodynamic functions of phthalic anhydride and 2-ethylhexanol at 13-350 K, Zhur. Fiz. Khim., 1987, 61, 2347-2351. [all data]

Zhilina, M.N.; Karyakin, N.V.; Maslova, V.A.; Shvetsova, K.G.; Busygina, G.I.; Nikolaev, P.N., Specific heat and thermodynamic functions of iron(III) acetylacetonate, Zhur. Fiz. Khim., 1987, 61, 3098-3100. [all data]

Karyakin, N.V.; Shvetsova, K.G.; Dzharimova, E.S., Termodin. Org. Soedin., 1982, 33. [all data]

Sheiman, M.S.; Kamelova, G.P.; Shvetsova, K.G.; Nistratov, V.P., Heat Capacity and Thermodynamic Functions of Diethyl Telluride, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1996, 70, 7, 1190. [all data]

Sheiman, M.S.; Kamelova, G.P.; Shvetsova, K.G.; Nistratov, V.P., Russ. J. Phys. Chem., 1996, 1105. [all data]

Maslova, V.A.; Shvetsova, K.G.; Karyakin, N.V.; Babinkov, A.G.; Kuznetsov, V.V., Thermodynamic characteristics of the synthesis of dioctylphthalate at 350-4 50 K, Termodin. Org. Soedin., 1989, 1989, 59-63. [all data]

Busygina, G.I.; Maslova, V.A.; Shvetsova, K.G.; Babinkov, A.G.; Rabinovich, I.B.; Karyakin, N.V., Heat capacity and thermodynamic functions for phthalic anhydride and 2-ethylhexanol at 13-350 K, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1987, 61, 2347. [all data]

Rabinovich, I.B.; Babinkov, A.G.; Nistratov, V.P.; Shvetsova, K.G.; Larina, V.N., Thermodynamic properties of polybutyleneglycol adipate, Vysokomol. Soedin., 1984, A26, 743-747. [all data]

Karyikin, N.V.; Shvetsova, K.G.; Dzharimova, E.S., Thermodynamic properties of o-phthalic acid dinitrile, Termodin. Org. Soedin., 1982, 33-37. [all data]

Karyakin, N.V.; Shvetsova, K.G., its derivatives Thermodynamics of reactions of 1,4-butanediol with terephthalic acid and, Deposited Doc. SPSTL. 861 Khp-D82. 14pp 1982, 1982. [all data]

Nistratov, V.P.; Babinkov, A.G.; Shvetsova, K.G.; Kapteva, S.A., Heat capacity and thermodynamic functions of tetramethylene glycol., Termodin. Org. Soedin., 1979, No. 8, 33. [all data]

Babinkov, A.G.; Nistratov, V.P.; Larina, V.N.; Shvetsova, K.G.; Sapozhnikov, V.N.; Zhilitskaya, O.M., Thermodynamic properties of aclipic acid., Termodin. Org. Soedin., 1979, No. 8, 28. [all data]