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Author:Shirkevich, M.G.

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3 matching references were found.

Nozdrev, V.F.; Shirkevich, M.G., Calculation of the heat capacity of the liquid phase of methyl alcohol from acoustic data, Primen. Ul'traakust. Issled. Veshchestva, 1961, No. 13, 27-34. [all data]

Akhmetsyanov, K.G.; Shirkevich, M.G., The Ultrasonic Velocity in Compressed Vapors of Ethyl Alcohol and the Determination of the Heat Capacities Cp and Cv, Primen. Ul'traakust. Issled. Veshchestva, 1958, No. 8, 93. [all data]

Akhmetsyanov, K.G.; Shirkevich, M.G.; Rozhdestvenskii, I.B., Determination of Specific Heat of Methyl Alcohol Vapor Near the Critical State from Acoustic Measurements, Primen. Ul'traakust. Issled. Veshchestva, 1957, No. 4, 127. [all data]