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4 matching references were found.

Nakasone, Keiko; Takamizawa, Kanichiro; Shiokawa, Kohzoh; Urabe, Yoshiko, Simultaneous determination of the heat capacity and the heat of the transitions for long-chain compounds with a heat-flux type DSC, Thermochimica Acta, 1994, 233, 2, 175-185, . [all data]

Nakasone, Keiko; Shiokawa, Kohzoh; Urabe, Yoshiko; Nemoto, Norio, Symmetrical Ketone/ n -Alkane Systems. 1. Phase Diagrams from DSC, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2000, 104, 31, 7483-7489, . [all data]

Ikuta, S.; Yoshihara, K.; Shiokawa, T.; Jinno, M.; Yokoyama, Y.; Ikeda, S., Photoelectron spectroscopy of cyclohexane, cyclopentane, and some related compounds, Chem. Lett., 1973, 1237. [all data]

Takahashi, H.; Naito, T.; Shiokawa, Y.; Igarashi, T., Waseda Daigaku Rikogaku Kenkyusho Hokoku, 1980, No. 90, 48-52. [all data]