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Author: | Shilyakov, A. |
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6 matching references were found.
Grusdev, V.A.; Shelyudakov, E.P.; Kiriyanenko, A.A.; Kolotov, Y.L.; Lavarov, V.A.; Shilyakov, A.A.; Shestova, A.I.; Shumskaya, A.I., Teplofiz. Svoistva Zhidk., Mater. Vses. Teplofiz. Konf., 4th, 1971, 1973. [all data]
Shilyakov, A.A., Experimental Investigation of the Thermal Properties and Critical Parameters of Freons R 21 and R 114B2, Ph.D. Thesis, Siberskoe Otdelenie AN SSSR, 1971. [all data]
Vostrikov, A.A.; Sheludyakov, E.P.; Shilyakov, A.A., Experimental determination of critical parameter of Freon-21 and Freon 114V2 by visual observation after displacemeny of interface, Izv. Sib. Otd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Tekh. Nauk, 1969, No. 3, 105. [all data]
Shilyakov, A.A.; Shelugyakov, E.P.; Solov'ev, A.N., Experimental Investigation of Densities of Freon R 21 and R 114B2 with A Constant Volume Piezometer in Teplofiz. Svoistva Freonov, Collect., 6-23, V. A. Gruzdev Editor, 1969. [all data]
Solov'ev, A.N.; Sheludyakov, E.P.; Shilyakov, A.A., Experimental study of P-V-T relations of Freon-114b2, Izv. Sib. Otd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Tekh. Nauk, 1969, No. 2, 91-6. [all data]
Solov'ev, A.N.; Sheludyakov, E.P.; Shilyakov, A.A., Experimental determination of relationship for vapor of freon-21, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys. (Engl. Transl.), 1968, No. 6, 769. [all data]