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Author:Shchegolev, A.

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3 matching references were found.

Shchegolev, A.A.; Kucherov, V.F., The use of gas-liquid chromatography for the analysis of gibberellins and related compounds, Russ. Chem. Bull. (Engl. Transl.), 1969, 18, 6, 1117-1119, . [all data]

Zenkevich, I.G.; Shchegolev, A.E.; Finogenov, Yu.; Ivin B.A., Mass Spectrometric Characterization of Alkyl- and Alkoxy(chlormethyl)silanes, VINITI, # 6805-84, 1984, 29. [all data]

Zenkevich, I.G.; Finogenov, Yu.S.; Shchegolev, A.E.; Tumanova, S.V.; Ivin, B.A., Mass Spectrometric characterization of 1,3-Dialkoxy-1,3-disiloxanes, VINITI, # 6806-84, 1984, 22. [all data]