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Author:Shankland, I.

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11 matching references were found.

Shankland, I.R., Transport Properties of CFC Alternatives Presented at AIChE Spring National Meeting, Orlando FL, 1990. [all data]

Richard, R.G.; Shankland, I.R., A Transient Hot-Wire Method for Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of Gases and Liquids, Int. J. Thermophys., 1989, 10, 3, 673-686, . [all data]

Fellows, B.R.; Richard, R.G.; Shankland, I.R., Thermal Conductivity Data for Some Environmentally Acceptable Fluorocarbons in Proceedings for the Twenty-First International Thermal Conductivity Conference, Cremers, C.J.; Fine, H.A., ed(s)., Thermal Conductivity 21, Plenum Press, New York, 1990, 311-325, retrieved from on 2015-09-23. [all data]

Shankland, I.R.; Basu, R.S.; Wilson, D.P., Thermophysical properties of HCFC-124: an environmentally acceptable refrigerant, ASHRAE Trans., 1990, 96, 317-322. [all data]

Shankland, I.R.; Richard, R.G.; Lund, E.; Earl, A.E., , 1990. [all data]

Fellows, B.R.; Richard, R.G.; Shankland, I.R., Thermal conductivity data for some environmentally acceptable fluorocarbons, Therm. Conduct., 1990, 21, 311-25. [all data]

Richard, R.G.; Shankland, I.R., A transient hot-wire method for measuring the thermal conductivity of gases and liquids, Int. J. Thermophys., 1989, 10, 673-86. [all data]

Shankland, I.R.; Basu, R.G.; Wilson, D.P., Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity of a New Refrigerant 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluo- roethane (R134a) in Proc. Meetings Commissions on B1, B2, E1, E2 IIR, Purdue University, 305, 1988. [all data]

Arora, P.S.; Robjohns, H.L.; Shankland, I.R.; Dunlop, P.J., Use of Binary Diffusion and Second Virial-Coefficients to Predict Viscosities of Gaseous Systems, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1978, 59, 478-480. [all data]

Shankland, I.R.; Arora, P.S.; Dunlop, P.J., Isotope Effect in Diffusion of Perdeuteriobenzene and Benzene in a Series of Normal Hydrocarbons at 25C, J. Phys. Chem., 1977, 81, 1518-1519. [all data]

Bell, T.N.; Shankland, I.R.; Dunlop, P.J., The Pressure Dependence of the Mutual Diffusion Coefficients of Binary Mixtures of Helium with Ten Other Gases at 300 K: Tests of Thorne's Equation, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1977, 45, 445-448. [all data]