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3 matching references were found.

Shabalin, I.I.; Kiva, E.A., Intermolecular hydrogen bonding of cumene hydroperoxide, Opt. Spektrosk., 1968, 24, 703-8. [all data]

Ivakina, M.A.; Shabalin, K.N., Equilibrium pressures of carbon dioxide over solutions of sodium bicarbonate and free carbon dioxide, Izv. Vyssh. Ucheb. Zaved., Khim. Khim. Tekhnol., 1968, 11, 365-7. [all data]

Shabalin, Y.P.; Pozhitkova, S.A.; Berdennikova, A.E.; Ivanov, L.S., Thermodynamics of hydrogenation of tetrachlorosilane with formaldehyde, Vysokochist. Veshchestva, 1988, No. 6, 68. [all data]