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Author: | Sechkarev |
3 matching references were found.
Sechkarev; Timoshenko, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Fiz., 1967, 10, 68. [all data]
Sechkarev, A.V.; Brutan, E.G.; Fadeev, Y.A., Vibrational Spectra of Mono- and Dinitriles and Configurations of Molecular Associations, Spectr. of Inter- and Intramolec. Vibr. (Leningrad), 1983, 3, 192-206. [all data]
Timoshenko, S.A.; Sechkarev, A.V., Comparative study of Raman spectra of picolines in various physical states in Vopr. Mol. Spektrosk., Sechkarev, A. V., Korshunov, A. V., Eds., "Nauka", Sib. Otd.: Novosibirsk, USSR. pp 97-102, 1974. [all data]