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42 matching references were found.

Van Den Bergh, L.C.; Schouten, J., The phase behavior of the system He-N2 related to the phase diagram of pure N2, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1988, 150, 478. [all data]

Zhang, W.; Schouten, J.A., The sound velocity of an equimolar mixture of CH4 and He from 2 kbar to 8 kbar and from 273 K to 318 K, Physica A: (Amsterdam), 1994, 209, 309-17. [all data]

Zhang, W.; Schouten, J.A.; Hinze, H.M.; Jaeschke, M., PVT-x behavior of helium-nitrogen mixtures from 270 to 353 K and up to 280 bar, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1992, 37, 114-19. [all data]

Zhang, W.; Schouten, J.A., The sound velocity of a mixture of methane and nitrogen from 2 kbar to 8 kbar and from 173 K to 298 K, Physica A: (Amsterdam), 1992, 189, 493-502. [all data]

Zhang, W.; Schouten, J.A., The sound velocity of a mixture of helium and nitrogen up to 10 kbar and from 157 K to 298 K, Fluid Phase Equilib., 1992, 79, 211-20. [all data]

Vos, W.L.; Finger, L.W.; Hemley, R.J.; Hu, J.Z.; Mao, H.K.; Schouten, J.A., A high-pressure van der Waals compound in solid nitrogen-helium mixtures, Nature (London), 1992, 358, 46-8. [all data]

Vos, W.L.; Schouten, J.A., The phase diagram of the binary mixture nitrogen-helium at high pressure, Physica A: (Amsterdam), 1992, 182, 365-87. [all data]

Sun, T.F.; Schouten, J.A.; Biswas, S.N., Determination of the thermodynamic properties of liquid ethanol from 193 to 263 K and up to 280 MPa from speed-of-sound measurements, Int. J. Thermophys., 1991, 12, 381-95. [all data]

Jaeschke, M.; Audibert, S.; van Canegham, P.; Humphreys, A.E.; Janssen-van Rosemalen, R.; Pellei, Q.; Michels, J.P.J.; Schouten, J.A., Accurate Prediction of Compressibility Factors by the GERG VIrial Equation., SPE Prod. Eng., 1991, 6, 343-349. [all data]

Jaeschke, M.; Audibert, S.; van Canegham, P.; Humphreys, A.E.; Janssen-van Rosemalen, R.; Pellei, Q.; Schouten, J.A.; Michels, J.P.J., Simplified GERG Virial Equation for Field Use Gas Technology Symposium, SPE Prod. Eng., 1991, 6, 350-355. [all data]

Vos, W.L.; Van Hinsberg, M.G.E.; Schouten, J.A., High-pressure triple point in helium: The melting line of helium up to 240 kbar, Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter, 1990, 42, 6106-9. [all data]

Sun, T.F.; Schouten, J.A., The importance of accurate numerical integration in perturbation theories of molecular liquids, Mol. Phys., 1990, 69, 601. [all data]

Sun, T.F.; Schouten, J.A.; Biswas, S.N., Determination of the thermodynamic properties of liquid methanol from 203 to 263 K and up to 280 MPa from speed of sound measurement, Ber. Bunsen-Ges. Phys. Chem., 1990, 94, 528-34. [all data]

Sun, T.F.; Schouten, J.A.; Kortbeek, P.J.; Biswas, S.N., Experimental equations of state for some organic liquids between 27 and 333 K and up to 280 MPa, Phys. Chem. Liq., 1990, 21, 231-7. [all data]

Schouten, J.A.; Michels, J.P.J.; Jaeschke, M., Calculation of the compressibility factor of natural gases based on the calorific value and the specific gravity, Int. J. Thermophys., 1990, 11, 145. [all data]

Kortbeek, P.J.; Schouten, J.A., The Speed of Sound in Methane at 148-298 K and 100-1000 MPa GPa, revisited, Int. J. Thermophys., 1990, 11, 455. [all data]

Biswas, S.N.; Bominaar, S.A.R.C.; Schouten, J.A.; Michels, J.P.J.; Ten Seldam, C.A., Compressibility isotherms of simulated natural gases, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1990, 35, 35. [all data]

Vos, W.L.; Schouten, J.A., Improved phase diagram of nitrogen up to 85 kbar, J. Chem. Phys., 1989, 91, 6302-5. [all data]

Vos, W.L.; Van Den Bergh, L.C.; Schouten, J.A., Phase behavior of the system helium-nitrogen at high pressures, Int. J. Thermophys., 1989, 10, 15. [all data]

Schouten, J.A., Phase behavior of mixtures at very high pressures, Int. J. Thermophys., 1989, 10, 1. [all data]

Schouten, J.A., Experimental studies of mixtures at very high pressures, NATO ASI Ser., Ser. B, 1989, 186, 141. [all data]

Schouten, J.A.; Van der Putten, L., The thermodynamic discontinuities ΔS, ΔH, ΔV, and the melting line of molecular systems at high pressure, Physica A: (Amsterdam), 1989, 156, 303. [all data]

Jaeschke, M.; Audibert, S.; van Canegham, P.; Humphreys, A.E.; Janssen-van Rosemalen, R.; Pellei, Q.; Michels, J.P.J.; Schouten, J.A.; Ten Seldam, C.A., High Accuracy Compressibility Factor Calculation for Natural Gases and Similar Mixtures by use of a Truncated Virial Equation, Fortschr.-Ber. VDI Z., Reihe, No. 231, 1989. [all data]

Van Den Bergh, L.C.; Schouten, J.A., The critical line and the three phase line in a molecular helium-nitrogen mixture up to 100 kbar, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1988, 145, 471. [all data]

Sun, T.F.; Schouten, J.A.; Trappeniers, N.J.; Biswas, S.N., Accurate measurement of the melting line of methanol and ethanol at pressures up to 270 MPa, Ber. Bunsen-Ges. Phys. Chem., 1988, 92, 652. [all data]

Sun, T.F.; Schouten, J.A.; Trappeniers, N.J.; Biswas, S.N., Measurements of the densities of liquid benzene, cyclohexane, methanol, and ethanol as functions of temperature at 0.1 MPa, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1988, 20, 1089. [all data]

Michels, J.P.J.; Schouten, J.A.; Jaeschke, M., The determination of the second and third virial coefficients from pVT-X (pressure-volume-temperature/ternary term) data of binary systems, Int. J. Thermophys., 1988, 9, 985-92. [all data]

Kortbeek, P.J.; Biswas, S.N.; Schouten, J.A., Measurement of the compressibility and sound velocity in neon up to GPa, Int. J. Thermophys., 1988, 9, 803. [all data]

Jaeschke, M.; Audibert, S.; van Canegham, P.; Humphreys, A.E.; Janssen-van Rosemalen, R.; Pellei, Q.; Michels, J.P.J.; Schouten, J.A.; Ten Seldam, C.A., High accuracy compressibility factor calculation for natural gases and similar mixtures by use of a truncated virial equation., GERG Tech. Monogr. TM2, 1988. [all data]

Van der Putten, L.; Schouten, J.A., The thermodynamic discontinuities ΔS, ΔH, and ΔV along the melting curve. 2. n-Hydrogen and n-deuterium, High Temp. - High Pressures, 1987, 19, 195. [all data]

Sun, T.F.; Kortbeek, P.J.; Biswas, S.N.; Trappeniers, N.J.; Schouten, J.A., An ultrasonic method for the accurate determination of the melting line: Data for cyclohexane and benzene., Ber. Bunsen-Ges. Phys. Chem., 1987, 91, 1013. [all data]

Van der Putten, L.; Schouten, J.A.; Trappeniers, N.J., A DSC study of solid ethane up to 12 kbar, Physica B+C: (Amsterdam), 1986, 139-140, 215-7. [all data]

Van der Putten, L.; Schouten, J.A.; Trappeniers, N.J., A differential scanning calorimetry study of ethylene and propane up to 10 kbar: the phase diagram of ethylene up to 23 kbar, High Temp. - High Pressures, 1986, 18, 255. [all data]

Van der Putten, L.; Schouten, J.A.; Trappeniers, N.J., Transition enthalpies and entropies of solid ethane up to 12 kbar determined by differential scanning calorimetry, High Temp. - High Pressures, 1985, 17, 533. [all data]

Schouten, J.A., Phase transistions in mixtures under high pressure, Ned. Tijdschr. Natuurkd., A, 1985, 51, 96. [all data]

Wieldraaijer, H.; Schouten, J.A.; Trappeniers, N.J., Investigation of the Phae Diagrams of Ethane, Ethylene, and Methane at High Pressures, High Temperatures-High Pressures, 1983, 15, 87-92. [all data]

Deerenberg, A.; Schouten, J.A.; Trappeniers, N.J., Vapor-liquid and gas-gas equilibria in simple systems. V. The system neon- xenon, Physica A: (Amsterdam), 1980, 101, 2-3. [all data]

Myrat, C.D.; Trappeniers, N.J.; Schouten, J.A., Gas-gas and gas-liquid equilibriums in the system ammonia-neon, Physica A: (Amsterdam), 1978, 94, 3-4. [all data]

Schouten, J.A.; Deerenberg, A.; Trappeniers, N.J., Vapor-liquid and gas-gas equilibria in simple systems: IV the system argon + krypton, Physica A: (Amsterdam), 1975, 81, 151-60. [all data]

Trappeniers, N.J.; Schouten, J.A., Vapour-liquid and gas-gas equilibria in simple systems: II the system neon + argon, Physica (Amsterdam), 1974, 73, 539-45. [all data]

Trappeniers, N.J.; Schouten, J.A., Vapor-liquid and gas-gas equilibria in simple systems: III. the system neon + krypton, Physica (Amsterdam), 1974, 73, 546-55. [all data]

Deerenberg, A.; Schouten, J.A.; Trappeniers, N.J., The coexistence surface of the system neon + xenon, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1974, 28, 316. [all data]