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Author: | Scholz-Bottcher, B. |
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2 matching references were found.
Rullkötter, J.; Rinna, J.; Bouloubassi, I.; Scholz-Böttcher, B.M.; Meyers, P.A.; Johns, L.; Rowland, S.J., 22. Biological marker significance of organic matter origin and transformation in sapropels from the pisano plateau, site 964, Proc. Ocean Drill. Program: Sci. Results, 1998, 160, 271-283. [all data]
Köster, J.; Volkman, J.K.; Rullkötter, J.; Scholz-Böttcher, B.M.; Rethmeier, J.; Fishcer, U., Mono-, di- and trimethyl-branched alkanes in cultures of the filamentous cyanobacterium Calothrix scopulorum, Org. Geochem., 1999, 30, 11, 1367-1379, . [all data]