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Author:Schlumpberger, B.O.

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2 matching references were found.

Schlumpberger, B.O.; Jux, A.; Kunert, M.; Boland, W.; Wittmann, D., Musty-earthy scent in cactus flowers: characteristics of floral scent production in dehydrogeosmin-producing cacti, Int. J. Plant Sci., 2004, 165, 6, 1007-1015, . [all data]

Raguso, R.A.; Schlumpberger, B.O.; Kaczorowski, R.L.; Holtsford, T.P., Phylogenetic fragrance patterns in Nicotiana sections Alatae and Suaveolentes, Phytochemistry, 2006, 67, 17, 1931-1942, . [all data]