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6 matching references were found.

Hickman, K.C.D.; Sanford, C.R., The purification, properties, and uses of certain high- boiling organic liquids, J. Phys. Chem., 1930, 34, 637-53. [all data]

Carney, G.E.; Sanford, J.K., Anal. Chem., 1953, 25, 1417. [all data]

Kovach, S.M.; Sanford, R.A., , 1960. [all data]

Sanford, R.A.; Kovach, S.M.; Friedman, B.S., Ind. Eng. Chem., 1959, 51, 1455. [all data]

Sanford, R.A.; Kovach, S.M.; Friedman, B.S., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1953, 75, 6326. [all data]

Sanov, A.; Sanford, T.; Butler, L.J.; Vala, J.; Kosloff, R.; Lineberger, W.C., Photodissociation dynamics of gas-phase BrICl- and IBr2- anions, J. Phys. Chem. A, 1999, 103, 49, 10244-10254, . [all data]