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Author:Salama, H.A.

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3 matching references were found.

Ammar, H.O.; Salama, H.A., Effect of Sodium Salts of Toluic Acids on the Water-Solubility of Riboflavine, Pharm. Ind., 1981, 43, 194-197. [all data]

Ammar, H.O.; Salama, H.A., Interaction Between Bendroflumethiazide and Caffeine, Pharmazie, 1981, 36, 265-266. [all data]

Ammar, H.O.; Salama, H.A., Solubilization of Benzothiadiazide Diuretics by Cetomacrogol, Pharm. Ind., 1980, 42, 849-851. [all data]