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Author:Sakharov, V.

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3 matching references were found.

Ilin, R.N.; Sakharov, V.I.; Serenkov, I.T., Study of Titanium Negative Ion Using Method of Electron Detachment by an Electric Field, Opt. Spectros. (USSR), 1987, 62, 578. [all data]

Shevchuk, N.M.; Bogoslovskii, Yu.N.; Sakharov, V.M., Investigation of conformational changes with the aid of gas-liquid chromatography, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 1971, 45, 110-1. [all data]

Kurdina, Z.G.; Markovich, V.E.; Sakharov, V.M., Gas chromatography of cyclic O-containing compounds in Gas chromatography, Issue # 10, NIITEKhim, Moscow, 1969, 128-133. [all data]