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5 matching references were found.
Ryabusheva, T.I.; Ershova, N.S.; Klatskii, A.V., Experimental study of the isochoric heat capacity of an argon/ perfluoropropane mixture, Teploobmen. Protsessy v Kholod. Tekhn. i Teplofiz. Svoist- va Rab. Tel, Leningr. Tekhnol. In-t Kholod. Prom-sti, 1991, 1991, 85-8. [all data]
Mikhailov, Y.P.; Ershova, N.S.; Ryabusheva, T.I., Thermodynamic properties of a mixture of R12 and R13 refrigerants, Protsessy Perenosa Sistemakh Konditsionir. Vozdukha Kholod. Kriog. Ustanovkakh, 1987, 1987, 70-4. [all data]
Mikhailov, Y.P.; Petrunina, E.B.; Ryabusheva, T.I., Study of the isochoric heat capacity of a mixture of refrigerants R1 and R13, Kholod. Tekh., 1987, No. 7, 27. [all data]
Kletskii, A.V.; Ershova, N.S.; Ryabusheva, T.I., Deposited Doc. CINTI Chemneftemask, 1986, Doc. No. 1522 khm - May 11, 1986. [all data]
Ryabusheva, T.I.; Kletskii, A.V., Thermodynamic properties of pentafluorochloroethane, Teplofiz. Svoistva Veshchestv Mater., 1985, No. 20, 15. [all data]