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4 matching references were found.

Rusby, R.L.; Hudson, R.P.; Durieux, M.; Schooley, J.F.; Steur, P.P.M.; Swenson, C.A., A review of progress in the measurement of thermodynamic temperature, Temp.: Its Meas. Control Sci. Ind., 1992, 6, 9-14. [all data]

Rusby, R.L., The conversion of thermal reference values to the ITS-90, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1991, 23, 1153-61. [all data]

Pavese, F.; Ancsin, J.; Astrov, D.N.; Bonhoure, J.; Bonnier, G.; Furukawa, G.T.; Kemp, R.C.; Maas, H.; Rusby, R.L.; Sakurai, H.; Ling, S.-K., An International Intercomparison of Fixed Points by Means of Sealed Cells in the Range 13.81K - 90.686 K, Metrolgia, 1984, 20, 1984, 127-44. [all data]

Durieux, M.; Rusby, R.L., Helium vapor pressure equations on the EPT-76, Metrologia, 1983, 19, 67. [all data]