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Author:Rubio, F.

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3 matching references were found.

Gutierrez, M.C.; Rubio, J.; Rubio, F.; Oteo, J.L., Inverse gas chromatography: a new approach to the estimation of specific interactions, J. Chromatogr. A, 1999, 845, 1-2, 53-66, . [all data]

Rubio, F.C.; Martin, A.M.; Alemeda, E.J.; Rodriguez, V.B., Equilibrium Distribution of Various Linear Aliphatic Acids between Water and Benzene, An. Quim., 1978, 74, 1434. [all data]

Rubio, F.C.; Tello, P.G.; Alemeda, E.J.; Rodriguez, V.B., Equilibrium Distribution of Propionic Acid Between Water and Various Hydrocarbons, An. Quim., 1978, 74, 1428. [all data]