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Author: | Rogozil'nikova, L.A. |
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2 matching references were found.
Stepanova, E.I.; kukharenok, I.S.; Sabylin, I.I.; Rogozil'nikova, L.A.; Kharisov, M.A., Study and Caculation of Liquid-Vapor Equilibria in the Systems Isobutyraldehyde-Methyl Ethyl Ketone and n-Butyraldehyde-Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Zh. Prikl. Khim. (Leningrad), 1988, 61, 928. [all data]
Lesteva, T.M.; Chernaya, V.I.; Rogozil'nikova, L.A., Fazov. Ravnovesiya Prakt. Aspekty Protsessov Razdeleniya Produktov Neftekhim. Sinteza, 1980, 1980, 15-23. [all data]