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Author:Rodionov, A.

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6 matching references were found.

Rodionov, A.N.; Potapov, V.K.; Rogozhin, K.L., Photoionization of certain aromatic heteroorganic compounds, High Energy Chem., 1973, 7, 249, In original 278. [all data]

Potapov, V.K.; Rodionov, A.N.; Evlasheva, T.I.; Rogozhin, K.L., Photoionization of triphenyl derivatives of elements in group VB of the periodic table, High Energy Chem., 1974, 8, 486, In original 559. [all data]

Rodionova, G.N.; Krutovskaya, I.V.; Rodionov, A.N.; Tuchin, Y.G.; Karpov, V.V., Zh. Prikl. Spektrosk., 1980, 32, 623. [all data]

Danchinov, K.M.; Gastilovich, E.A.; Rodionov, A.N.; Klimenko, V.G., Calculations for the ln-plane vibrations for carbazole and its deuterio-derivatives using the force field of 9,10-anthraquinone., Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1985, 59, 377. [all data]

Gastilovich, E.A.; Danchinov, K.M.; Klimenko, V.G.; Mishenin, K.A.; Rodionov, A.N., Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1984, 58, 2774. [all data]

Danchinov, K.M.; Rodionov, A.N.; Shigorin, D.N., Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1981, 55, 2558. [all data]