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16 matching references were found.

Mokbel, I.; Rauzy, E.; Meille, J.P.; Jose, J., Low vapor pressures of 12 aromatic hydrocarbons. Experimental and calculated data using a group contribution method, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 1998, 147, 1-2, 271-284, . [all data]

N'Guimbi, J.; Berro, C.; Mokbel, I.; Rauzy, E.; Jose, J., Experimental vapour pressures of 13 secondary and tertiary alcohols---correlation and prediction by a group contribution method, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 1999, 162, 1-2, 143-158, . [all data]

Barna, L.; Blanchard, J.M.; Rauzy, E.; Berro, C., Solubility of Fluoranthene, Chrysene, and Triphenylene in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1996, 41, 1466-1469. [all data]

Berro, C.; Barna, L.; Rauzy, E., A group-contribution equation of state for predicting vapor-liquid equilibria and volumetric properties of carbon dioxide-hydrocarbons systems, Fluid Phase Equilib., 1996, 114, 63-87. [all data]

Mokbel, I.; Kasehgari, H.; Rauzy, E.; Jose, J., Static measurements of the total vapor pressure of water + methanol mixtures at temperatures between 243 and 313 K, ELDATA Int. Electron. J. Phys.-Chem. Data, 1995, 1, 2, 135-8. [all data]

Mokbel, I.; Rauzy, E.; Loiseleur, H.; Berro, C.; Jose, J., Vapor pressures of 12 alkylcyclohexanes, cyclopentane, butylcyclopentane and trans-decahydronaphthalene down to 0.5 Pa. Experimental results, correlation and prediction by an equation of state, Fluid Phase Equilib., 1995, 108, 103-120. [all data]

Barna, L.R.; Rauzy, E.; Berro, C.; Blanchard, J.M., An "Excess function-Equation of state" model for solubility of hydrocarbon solids in supercritical carbon dioxide, Fluid Phase Equilib., 1994, 100, 191-208. [all data]

Berro, C.; Laichoubi, F.; Rauzy, E., Isothermal (vapor + liquid) equilibria and excess volumes of (3- methylpentane + heptane), of (3-methylpentane + octane), and of (toluene + octane), J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1994, 26, 863-9. [all data]

Lichtenstein, C.; Rauzy, E.; Berro, C., Simultaneous representation of vapor-liquid equilibria and excess enthalpies of methanol-hydrocarbons systems using an equation of state, Fluid Phase Equilib., 1993, 87, 37-51. [all data]

Berro, C.; Laichoubi, F.; Rauzy, E., Isothermal vapor-liquid equilibria and excess volumes for the systems n- hexane + ethylbenzene, 2-methylpentane + n-heptane, and 2-methylpentane + n-octane, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1991, 36, 474-8. [all data]

Berro, C.; Lalchoubi, F.; Rauzy, E., J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1991, 36, 474. [all data]

Abdoul, W.; Rauzy, E.; Peneloux, A., Group-contribution equation of state for correlating and predicting thermodynamic properties of weakly polar and nonassociating mixtures. Binary and multicomponent systems, Fluid Phase Equilib., 1991, 68, 47-102. [all data]

Peneloux, A.; Abdoul, W.; Rauzy, E., Excess functions and equations of state, Fluid Phase Equilib., 1989, 47, 115. [all data]

Behar, E.; Simonet, R.; Rauzy, E., A new non-cubic equation of state, Fluid Phase Equilib., 1985, 21, 237. [all data]

Sawaya, Terufat; Mokbel, Ilham; Rauzy, Evelyne; Saab, Joseph; Berro, Charles; Jose, Jacques, Experimental vapor pressures of alkyl and aryl sulfides, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2004, 226, 283-288, . [all data]

Sawaya, Terufat; Mokbel, Ilham; Ainous, Nédal; Rauzy, Evelyne; Berro, Charles; Jose, Jacques, Experimental Vapor Pressures of Six n -Alkanes (C 21 , C 23 , C 25 , C 27 , C 29 , C 30 ) in the Temperature Range between 350 K and 460 K, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2006, 51, 3, 854-858, . [all data]