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28 matching references were found.

Rasskazov, D.C.; Babikov, Yu.M.; Filatov, N.Ya., Viscosity Investigation of Freons R-14, R-21, R-23, and R-113 in Teplofiz. Svoistva Veshch. Mater., V. A. Rabinovich Ed. Collect. 14, 24-32, 1980. [all data]

Rasskazov, D.C.; Babikov, Yu.M.; Filatov, N.Ya., Experimental investigation of viscosity of some methane row refrigerants, Tr. Mosk. Energ. Inst., 1975, No. 234, 90-5. [all data]

Rasskazov, D.C.; Babikov, Yu.M.; Filatov, N.Ya., Experimental Investigation of Viscosity of Refrigerant R-23, Tr. Mosk. Energ. Inst., 1974, No. 179, 62-9. [all data]

Vukalovich, M.P.; Rasskazov, D.S.; Popov, V.N.; Babikov, Yu.M., Thermophysical properties of monoisopropylbiphenyl, Teploenergetika 11, 1964, No.6, 56-58. [all data]

Kalafati, D.D.; Rasskazov, D.S.; Petrov, E.K., Experimental Determination of a Dependence of a Saturated Vapor Pressure of Benzene on Temperature, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1967, 41, 1357-1359. [all data]

Rasskazov, D.S.; Babikov, Yu.M.; Filatov, N.Ya., Experimental Study of the Viscosity of Some Methane-Series Freons, Tr. Mosk. Energ. Inst., 1975, 234, 90-95. [all data]

Kalafati, D.D.; Rasskazov, D.S.; Petrov, E.K., The Pressure, Volume, Temperature Functions of Ethyl Alcohol, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1967, 14, 77-81. [all data]

Kalafati, D.D.; Rasskazov, D.S.; Petrov, E.K., The vapour pressure of benzene, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 1967, 41, 720. [all data]

Rasskazov, D.S.; Babikov, Yu.M.; Belinskaya, N.T.; Lyapunov, O.I., Effect of Nuclear Irradiation on Physical Properties of Monoisopropyldiphenyl, Teploenergetika, 1965, 12, 83-4. [all data]

Vukalovich, M.P.; Rasskazov, D.S.; Popov, V.N.; Babikov, Yu.M., Thermophysical Properties of Monoisiporpyldiphenyl, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1964, 11, 6, 56. [all data]

Rasskazov, D.S.; Balikov, Yu.M.; Khaman, K., Effect of Thermal Decomposition on the Thermophysical Properties of Monoisipropyldiphenyl, Teploenergetika, 1964, 11, 71-3. [all data]

Vukalovich, M.P.; Dzampov, B.V.; Rasskazov, D.S.; Remizov, S.A., Specific heat tables of water and steam, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1961, 8, 12, 70. [all data]

Vukalovich, M.P.; Dzampov, B.V.; Rasskazov, D.S.; Remizov, S.A., The Thermal Properties of Water Under Pressure Up to 1200 kg/ and at Temperatures up to 300 deg, Teploenergetika, 1960, 7, 4. [all data]

Rasskazov, D.S.; Utenkov, V.F., Investigation of the Isothermal Joule-Thompson Coefficient of Freon 21 in Teplofiz. Svoistva Veshch. Mater., V. A. Rabinovich Ed. Collect. 13, 20-23, 1980. [all data]

Rasskazov, D.S.; Babikov, Yu.M.; Filatov, N.Ya., Experimental Investigation of the Viscosity of Freon 23 in Teplofiz. Svoistva Veshchestv Mater., Collect. Vol. No. 8, V. A. Rabinovich, Ed., Standards Publ., Moscos, 1975. [all data]

Rasskazov, D.S.; Kryukov, L.A., Experimental Investigation of the Isothermal Joule-Thompson Coefficient of Freon 23 in Teplofiz. Svoistva Veshchestv Mater., Collect. Vol. No. 8, V. A. Rabinovich, Ed., Standards Publ., Moscow, 1975. [all data]

Rasskazov, D.S.; Petrov, E.K.; Ushmaikin, E.R., Experimental study of the density of Freon 23 in the liquid phase, Tr. Mosk. Energ. Inst., 1975, 234, 52. [all data]

Rasskazov, D.S.; Petrov, E.K.; Spiridonov, G.A.; Ushmajkin, E.R., Investigation of P-V-T Data of Freon 23 in Teplofiz. Svoistva Veshchestv Mater., Collect. Vol. No. 8, V. A. Rabinovich, Ed., Standards Publ., Moscow, 1975. [all data]

Rasskazov, D.S.; Spiridonov, G.A.; Krukov, L.A., Experimental Investigation of the Caloric Properties of Freon 23 in Teplofiz. Svoistva Veshchestv Mater., Collect. Vol. No. 8, V. A. Rabinovich, Ed., Standards Publ., Moscow, 1975. [all data]

Rasskazov, D.S.; Kryukov, L.A., Properties of gaseous Freon 23 at subcritical pressures, Tr. Mosk. Energ. Inst., 1974, 179, 108. [all data]

Rasskazov, D.S.; Petrov, E.K.; Spiridonov, G.A.; Ushmaikin, E.R., Investigating the p,v,t-dependence of carbon dioxide in the 248-303 k temperature range and at pressures of 5 to 60 bar, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1974, 21, 113-6. [all data]

Rasskazov, D.S.; Petrov, E.K.; Spiridonov, G.A.; Uschmaikin, E.R., Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1974, 21, 80-82. [all data]

Andrianova, T.N.; Aleksandrov, A.A.; Babikov, Yu.M.; Okhotin, V.S.; Petrov, E.K.; Rasskazov, D.S.; Razumeichenko, L.A.; Chechetkin, A.V., Thermal physical properties of improved terphenyl mixtures, Tr. Mosk. Energ. Inst., 1972, No. 111, 88. [all data]

Vukalovich, M.P.; Altunin, V.V.; Bulle, Kh.; Rasskazov, D.S.; Ertel, D., Experimental study of the isothermal joule-thomson effect of carbon dioxide, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1970, 17, 5, 60. [all data]

Vukalovich, M.P.; Altunin, V.V.; Bulle, Kh.; Rasskazov, D.S.; Ertel, D., Experimental study of the isothermal joule-thomson effect of compressed gases, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1969, 16, 11, 70. [all data]

Kalafeti, D.D.; Petrov, E.K.; Rasskazov, D.S.; Kaekiu, V.S., Experimental study of PVT dependence for freon-21, Therm. Energetics, 1969, 1969, No.11, 80-83. [all data]

Kalafati, D.D.; Petrov, E.K.; Rasskazov, D.S.; Kaekin, V.S., Experimental study of pressure-volume-tempperature relations of freon-21, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1968, 1968, No. 11, 80-3. [all data]

Rasskazov, D.S.; Babikov, Yu.M.; Guot, Ya, Thermophysical Properties of Terphenyl Mixtures, Teploenergetika, 1968, 15, 50-2. [all data]