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Author:Purcell, R.H.

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4 matching references were found.

Purcell, R.H.; Zahoorbux, F.D., 217. The kinetics of the decomposition of carbonyl selenide on an allotropic selenium surface, J. Chem. Soc., 1937, 1029, . [all data]

Pearson, T.G.; Purcell, R.H.; Saigh, G.S., J. Chem. Soc., 1938, 1938, 409. [all data]

Purcell, R.H.; Zahoorbux, F.D., The kinetics of the decomposition of carbonyl selenide on an allotropic selenium surface, J. Chem. Soc., 1937, 140, 1029-35. [all data]

Purcell, R.H.; Cheesman, G.H., The system nitric oxide - nitrogen peroxide part I, J. Chem. Soc., 1932, 1932, 826-34. [all data]