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Author: | Puech |
3 matching references were found.
Alric, R.; Puech, R., Coefficient De Partage, Solubilite Intrinseque et Puissance Relative De Sulfonylurees Hypoglycemiantes, J. Pharmacol., 1972, 3, 435-447. [all data]
Alric, R.; Puech, R., Mesure de la Solubilite Intrinseque et de la Const- ante Apparente D' Ionisation Acide de Sulfamidothiodiazols et de Sulfonyl- urees Hypoglycemiants en Solution Aqueuse a 37C, J. Pharmacol., 1971, 2, 141-154. [all data]
Bretagne, J.; Godart, J.; Puech, V., Time-resolved study of the H2 continuum at low pressures, J. Phys. B:, 1981, 14, 761-765. [all data]