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Author:Privalov, P.

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6 matching references were found.

Makhatadze, G.I.; Privalov, P.L., Thermodynamic properties of proteins in Phys. Prop. Polym. Handb., Mark, J. E., Ed., AIP Press: Woodbury, N. Y., p 91-9, 1996. [all data]

Makhatadze, G.I.; Privalov, P.L., Heat capacity of proteins. I. Partial molar heat capacity of individual amino acid residues in aqueous solution: hydration effect, J. Mol. Biol., 1990, 213, 375. [all data]

Privalov, P.L.; Monaselidze, D.R.; Mrevlishvili, G.M.; Magaldadze, V.A., Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., 1964, 47, 2073. [all data]

Makhatadze, G.I.; Privalov, P.L., Heat capacity of alcohols in aqueous solutions in the temperature range from 5 to, J. Solution Chem., 1989, 18, 927. [all data]

Makhatadze, G.I.; Privalov, P.L., Partial specific heat capacity of benzene and of toluene in aqueous solution determined calorimetrically for a broad temperature range, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1988, 20, 405-12. [all data]

Boiko, B.N.; Losev, V.A.; Plotnikov, V.V.; Privalov, P.L.; Senin, A.A.; Seregin, G.P., DASM-4 differential adiabatic scanning microcalorimeter, Nauch. Priborostr.: Teor. Eksp. Issled., 1984, 1984, 98. [all data]