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3 matching references were found.

Cuthbert, J.; Farren, J.; PrahalladaRao, B.S.; Preece, E.R., Appearance potentials and transition probabilities for electron impact ionization of CO and CO+, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London), 1966, 88, 91. [all data]

Cuthbert, J.; Farren, J.; PrahalladaRao, B.S.; Preece, E.R., Sequential mass spectrometry. III. Ions and fragments from carbon dioxide anddisulphide, J. Phys. B:, 1968, 1, 62. [all data]

Belloni, Maura; Manickam, M.; Preece, Jon A., Towards Banana-Shaped Liquid Crystals Incorporating Carbazole, Ferroelectrics, 2002, 276, 1, 103-126, . [all data]