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3 matching references were found.

Poveda Vilches, J.L.; Caceres Alonso, M.; Castellanos Medina, M.A.; Nunez Delgado, J., Excess volumes of (benzene + a cycloalkane), J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1983, 15, 475-9. [all data]

Caceres Alonso, M.; Poveda Vilches, J.L.; Sanchez-Pajares, R.G.; Nunez Delgado, J., Excess volumes of (toluene + n-alkane)s, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1983, 15, 913-17. [all data]

Cicció, J.F.; Poveda, L.J., Volatile constituents of Cunila polyantha (Lamiaceae) from Costa Rica, 1999, retrieved from [all data]